Best books of the year

Dr. Joe Bathelt
5 min readDec 13, 2021

Decorated conifers start popping up in people’s lounges, and the diet is shifting to mulled and buttered items. It looks like the end of the year is approaching. It’s been a great year of reading for me. So, I’d like to look back and share my favourite books from various categories with you.

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

It’s been a busy year for me. Books helped me to get through the tough stretches, expand my knowledge and understanding, and expanded my horizons. In total, I managed to read 58 books from various genres.

Genres that I read last year. Source: StoryGraph

The graph shows my preferences for guilty pleasures in the thriller and mystery genre, and my professional interest in books related to science and psychology. I also read quite a few books on productivity that are apparently categorised as self-help. Here are my top picks from each genre.


Books are unique in their ability to open one’s mind to the perspective of another person. Books can expose the innermost feelings and, thereby, create empathy and understanding. I love modern literature for that immediate access to the mind of others. “The Discomfort of Evening” by Marieke Lucas Rijneveld is a perfect illustration of this. This book is disturbingly…



Dr. Joe Bathelt

I’m a lecturer in psychology specialised in cognitive neuroscience. Topics: brain and mind, productivity, and academic work flows. More info: