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Paper of the Month: The thinking skills underlying attention deficits hyperactivity disorder
I’m doing the one-paper-per-day challenge. Some papers will be hot off the press, others will be classics. Some will be relevant to what I’m working on at the moment, others will be from other areas. Each month I discuss my favourite paper here.
Sabhlok, A., Malanchini, M., Engelhardt, L. E., Madole, J., Tucker‐Drob, E. M., and Harden, K. P. (2021). The relationship between executive function, processing speed, and attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder in middle childhood. Developmental Science, 13168.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a multifaceted syndrome that affects around 5% of school-age children. When people think of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), they often think about the child that constantly runs around, that fidgets, and can’t wait for their turn. However, these aspects of hyperactivity and impulsivity are only one part of the presentation of ADHD. The other aspect is inattention. Children with inattention may daydream or forget what they were supposed to do in the middle of an activity. There are many theories regarding the thinking skills underlying these symptoms. Some theories suggest that children with ADHD have a lower…